Program description

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

RRD’s WASH activities focus on improving access to WASH services for the most vulnerable communities including internally displaced people (IDPs), returnees and host communities, enabling thousands of people with access to clean water and sanitation. Our interventions have included rehabilitation of Water Supply systems, construction of Cesspits and Latrines, and Sanitation Service Networks, as well as Distribution of Hygiene Kits and conducting Hygiene Awareness Sessions and Campaigns. RRD establishes and trains Water Management Committees and provides each committee with basic maintenance kits to help maintain supported infrastructures within its targeted communities.

Providing WASH in healthcare facilities is another core component of RRDs’ Humanitarian Interventions. Our interventions focus on strengthening care service delivery at health facility levels through rehabilitation and establishment of safe water supply sources and sanitation infrastructure. RRD’s supports to health facilities includes installation and rehabilitation of hand-washing stations, latrines and showers, as well as construction of incinerators for optimal waste management systems. RRD also provides rigorous training for healthcare staff in medical waste management, and infection prevention and control among other topics in coordination and in accordance with Ministry of Health (MOH) guidelines.


RRD focuses on hygiene promotion as part of its WASH interventions to enable our targeted communities better protect themselves from risks of WASH borne diseases. Our hygiene promotion and message dissemination activities are conducted through community and public campaigns, focus group discussions, and door to door visits by trained Community Health Volunteers (CHVs). We conduct regular hygiene awareness and hand washing messages to enable communities better understand the threat of communicable diarrheal and other hygiene related diseases. Furthermore, our WASH teams work closely with community members to educate them on the risks of open air defecation and critical handwashing times and enable them to spread these messages among other members in their communities.


Enhance Resilience through Sustainable Water Resource Management Project

Reduce water related conflict, and improve water management through awareness raising and disaster preparedness at the local level.

Enhanced Security and Protection at the Local Level in Yemen

This project aimed to help the areas affected by IEDs in Hadhramaut (including Shabwah) and Taiz governorates caused by civil war and extrajudicial clashes. agencies.

Yemen Joint Response 4 (YJR4) – YEM 1801

100 Home Gardens, Cash for work activities for 17 groups, 160 latrines and hygiene kit distributions, 2 hygiene promotion events, establish and train 4 water management committees, target 2,680 HHs with hygiene awareness sessions.

Integrated Emergency WASH Project

17,664 targeted with hygiene promotion activities.

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